Women's eNews

Monday 29 June 2009

How to Avoid Face Wrinkles

Everyone gets wrinkles sooner or later. There's no specific age when someone gets wrinkles. Many people in their twenties have wrinkles at the outer corner of the eyes - the so-called "crow's feet". These wrinkles are caused by spending too much time in the sun or squinting too much. On the other hand, some people get wrinkles in their 40s or 50s, or even later. These people usually have 'good genes' i.e. most of their family members don't have many wrinkles. It's like baldness, really, except everyone has or will have wrinkle problems sooner or later. It's a normal part of the aging process.

Wrinkles and premature aging is often caused by things that can be avoided. For example excessive exposure to the sun. Or poor nutrition. Or smoking. Or even using a bad pillow. So if you want to avoid having wrinkles too early in your life, do use a sunscreen. Not only in summer, but all year round. UV rays can damage your skin cells and cause collagen to break down.

Next, quit smoking. Smoking decreases blood flow though the capillaries, which means your skin is deprived of oxygen. This leads to the loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin. Also, cigarette smoke irritates the eyes, and this makes the smoker squint.

Take action now. Don't just wait to look yourself in the mirror one day and wonder where these wrinkles came from. You don't have to use expensive anti-aging creams yet. There are many free and natural skin care products available. If you don't want to purchase anything yet, it's fine, you can even make your own organic skin care products.
Author : Bonnibel Hesper


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